What's Happening

Is it important to show people what you can do, or should you just get the job done?

Paul, Managing Director

It’s a question I’ve asked myself many times over the years…

I’ve always believed that the quality of the products and service we provide speaks volumes for us. One happy customer led to another and our reputation grew with our business; it’s how we got to where we are today. But would it get us to where we want to be in the future?

Word of mouth is still as powerful now as it ever was. Nothing compares to a great recommendation, but the way in which we communicate this has changed.

Word of mouth has fast become online, and with it comes the ability to showcase who we are and what we do, better than ever before. The only trouble was, we were not doing it…

We felt it was time we gave our new and existing customers a decent insight into team PVM, and this was the main driver behind this new site. (If you ever visited our old one, you’ll agree that this is a huge step in the right direction)!

Every single image, (apart from one brown box) is of us, our work and our customers. Every single paragraph has been written, edited and edited again.

All this takes time. Valuable time away from getting the job done, to show people what we can do.

So, I’ve got my answer.

Showing people what you do is important. Without an online presence or something that will showcase your company, it is almost impossible to communicate in this day and age. Or certainly, communicate on a level that will compete with those who are online.

So part of my “getting the job done” now includes showing people what we do, and in the words of my son Woody, “I’m going to keep it real.”
